Telegram’s administration recently made updates to its help section, which caused some users to mistakenly conclude that the platform will begin moderating private chats. However, the platform’s administration reassures that personal and group chats remain secure and private.
Changes to the FAQ Section
Previously, the FAQ page, particularly the section about filing complaints on illegal content, stated that “all Telegram chats and group chats are private for their participants. We do not process any requests related to them.” The updated version now highlights that “all Telegram applications have ‘Report’ buttons that allow you to report illegal content to our moderators in just a few clicks.” This revision includes an email address for contact and brief instructions aimed at speeding up the administration’s response to illegal content complaints.
No Change to Chat Moderation
Despite this change in wording, Telegram has not altered its policy regarding the moderation of private chats, notes NIX Solutions. The statement about the privacy of personal and group chats has simply been moved to an adjacent section. This section clarifies that, unlike personal and group correspondence, content like sticker sets, channels, and bots contains information accessible to a broader audience.
Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, has previously emphasized the company’s effort to maintain a balance between ensuring user privacy and meeting security demands.
We’ll keep you updated on any further clarifications or changes to Telegram’s privacy policies.